every year, our church has a picnic at w.c.johnson park and then all the kids run around the sprinkler park to cool off until they are so cranky that we finally give up on socializing and take them home for their much needed and delayed naps.

our kids don't get wet at the park, they just like to stand BY the water-seriously!

miller is so skeptical of the park this year. he always wants me right by his side.

carter loves miller's little sand pail from his teachers at the end of the year.

carter with caroline and reese apparently share a deep discussion about their water toys.

miller after finishing his hot pink treat from ice cream man joey. thanks joey, the kids always love your free treats even if they stained miller's skin & bathing suit for the rest of the day!
How do your kids do it? I have a friend who's little boy would never get his hair wet when we went. We would laugh and laugh. Not my kids they are completely drenched in 0.2 seconds!