Wednesday, August 30

it's her party . . .

and i'll cry if i want to!

last friday, august 25th, was carter's second birthday! i cannot believe she is two years old. it really seems like yesterday that we were eagerly awaiting her arrival. she is becoming such a big girl! this picture is from her tea party on saturday. she is starting to smile for the camera. also, she is using more words every day. here are some of my favorites:

"i love you"

" i sawwy(sorry)"

"thank you"



& "choo, choo, mimma" which she says each time she sees or hears a train, which is quite frequently at our house just minutes from poplar and the train tracks. and, how sweet that she wants to share the excitement with her brother. we love her to pieces and can't wait to see what else she comes up with next. happy birthday, sweet girl!

carter's statistics from her 2 year check-up:

weight: 26 lbs

height: 34 in

dr. hussain said she is lean and tall for her age. i really don't think of her as tall, but she guestimated that carter would be at least my height which is 5'6". we will have to see.

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